Reminder to myself

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When you feel like you are the one who suffered the most in the world just because you missed someone

Looked at the street singers who only had a guitar, sometimes his voice hoarse and raucous, but only a few of rupiah he got.

Little beggar barefoot, ragged clothes because it was never replaced, felt hesitate to move sometimes, his face was grimacing with doubtful smile, shy and affraid with a shrill voice that appeared in front of the door.

An old huckster who sold brooms and plastic tools, his cart was rickety, sweaty everywhere.

Scavenger, pedicab driver, mason, carpenter, builder, an old street sweeper, woman herbalist, cobbler, parking attendant, kitemaker, garbage man , janitor, maid, and fishmonger who immersed fishy in the body,

Did you know what they really missed?
Just a mouthful of rice for one day, hopefully it was enough until tonight, hopefully their stomach still could eat although had to share it Β in a pack of rice with thin sauce without side dishes.

So now, after you see them all one by one with your own eyes and head accurately, do you still feel that you are the one who suffer the most in the world just because you miss someone?

Note : versi Indonesia pernah dimuat di blogger Cinta di sini

11 respons untuk β€˜Reminder to myself’

    1. Kita prnah brpikir bhwa qt satu2nya yg pnya bnyak msalah dan plg mnderita, hnya sja mgkn qt lupa utk brsyukur pdanya atas apa yg qt punya…koq sdkit bingung Cinta memahaminya…mgkn di atas itu mksudnya kita kdg atau kita mungkin, bnr ga? we sometimes or we maybe or we even? ^__^>

      Disukai oleh 1 orang

      1. Haha iya itu hrsnya ada “auxiliary verb” nya ya. Ok2 makasih…semantically can be accepted by our brain. Thanks, please CMAIIW : correct me again if I’m wrong.

        Bgaimana dg postingan di atas ya? Adakah yg salah lg? Dg senang hati Cinta akan mnrima koreksi. Seneng malah πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜

        Disukai oleh 1 orang

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